Tuesday, March 20, 2018


My topic is breastfeeding, but the main question is, is it necessary or beneficial to breastfeed after a year old?
Many mother's breastfeed for the healthy benefits and/or so they would not have to vaccinate their child. Is it worth it though? Many women that breastfeed their child stop at six months but some women take it to another level and go two or more years so their child can get the most nutrients as they can, but does the benefits stop or cause other health issues after a while? 
Breastfeeding is a way to build a closer relationship with your baby, helps the mother with depression, and in some cases weight loss. Their are many mothers that do not breastfeed due to either their lifestyles, health reasons, just for personal choice, or for the reason that they do not know how to breastfeed. Breastfeeding does prevent your child from certain things such as diseases that a bottle fed child would have more risk of in their young lives.

This topic is interesting to me due to i do have multiple people in my family that breastfeed. Some would stop after six months and some would go past a year just to protect the child. So with that, i just wanted to educate my audience on the natural, beautiful creation of breastfeeding. My audience would be breastfeeding women, upcoming parents, and also anyone that is curious about breastfeeding.

Why breastfeed?

Is it necessary or beneficial to breastfeed after a year old? Many mothers breastfeed for six months but some mothers take it to another...