Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Violent Media...Is it good for kids?

According to Gerard Jones, violent media can actually have positive effects on young people because children need violent entertainment order to explore the inescapable feelings that they've been taught to deny, and reintegrate those feelings into more whole, more complex, more resilient selfhood.

Jones also believes that violent media are a positive influence on children because  the media may convince the children to have alter egos with social and fearless characteristics that the character withhold.

Jones make some good points. For example, he says that “we risk confusing them about their natural aggression in the same way the Victorians confused their children about their sexuality. When we try to protect our children from their own children from their own feelings and fantasies, we shelter them not against violence but against power and selfhood”. However, I do believe, as they say, violence is never the answer.

All in all, the author has points and as well as points that i do disagree with and with that i do think that there is a more suitable way to fight your anger such as sports. Media isn’t covering these events fairly due to the fact that they are pushing kids towards these angry video games instead of getting out the game and go outside to put your anger in that run or in your favorite sport which brings it to another issue obesity.

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